Saturday, March 13, 2010

Last post for 10 days...

Will be heading out of town for a little over a week, so don't expect an update until 10 days hence. Not a lot to report today. One pleasant surprise in the mail box yesterday was this speed break lever from Dan:

Very nice! Have yet to thank Dan in person (will get to that next week) and to be fair this snap shot doesn't do it justice. A testament to Dan's craftsmanship, the speed brake handle he shipped me earlier fits beautifully on the lever. All that's required is a bit of sanding and buffing. Will also get to that in due course.

Only other work worth mentioning is that I got the tension springs in the yoke:

They are repurposed from the CH Products yoke. You'll also notice I cut the wings off the stub connected to the rod. I had to do this to get everything connected to the wooden bung and then slip the assembly through the hole on the facing side. To save as much of the wing as possible, I ground down the lip on the inside of the conduit housing, leaving a piece on the top and bottom to ensure that the bung doesn't pull all the way though (those with excellent vision should just be able to pick out what I'm talking about from the photo).

Where I didn't get lucky was on the length of the wing tips on the top. I was hoping to keep them long enough so they would bind with the post on the top of the conduit housing. Note quite. So I'll need to rig something up in there to prevent the yoke from turning more than 45 degrees in each direction of roll.

The tensioning is fine. The yoke doesn't snap back to center when you release it but then again, I don't imagine it does in a real 737. It does give adequate resistance and at least gives the impression that you are turning something with some push back on it. Now all I got to do is figure out a way to get the potentiometer connected up and working.

That's all folks - tune in again around March 23rd for more, unless I run into something in my travels that's worth writing about...

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